Monday, March 22, 2010

Two movies for the Price of One!

Hey, everyone!

We'd like to share some good news and some bad news with ya...Bad news first? Ok, well here goes. Richard and I no longer wanted to participate in the Doritos viral video since we always leave that to the last minute, so we came up with an idea, and thats where the good news comes in.

Two movies are currently on the way to the official EP Youtube channel as we speak, one movie called Night Runners, and the other, Andro1d. You'll understand soon enough, I do not want to spoil it yet! You may actually enjoy them!

Recently, we've gotten some hate mail from people on our fun cover of Megadeths song Dialectic Chaos, and from our AR2 from the abyss videos. I do not tolerate with hate mail, so I put them in their place and tell them off in a polite manner. Hate mail reminds me of people who sit at home all day with nothing better to do with their lives and rate fun movies, like just do what I do, dont comment on them at all.

Here is one of our comments, from the Abyss AR2 video which offended me:
"you have started puberty go get a fucking job shit dick"

But enough of that, check out our new vids when they get posted up! Please no hate mail, you can dislike, but if anyone says something nasty, I wont hesitate to say something back :)

That's about it for this blog, adios!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Unidentified EP Short? And another Dorito's Video?

While trying coming up with idea's to create a Viral Video for Dorito's, Richard and I had a weird idea to come up with an exclusive EP short, it's no serious short, but its probably, how you say effed! We're not going to release further details on that matter since it is a suprise!

Also, we have plans for a second video to submit to Dorito's, the first one, is most likely going to be scraped, but we may still use parts of it. That one could be also a suprise, but here's a hint:
"Dorito's FireStarter"

That is pretty much it with the blog this week, keep in touch, stay tuned to our EP Youtube channel, and look for our videos in the 'Not so distant future!'


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dorito's Commercial: Round 2

Richard and I are back to our shinnanagins once again, when we enter the Doritos Challenge for the second time!

Last year, we had a great idea, but not enough time to complete it, so we came nowhere near the win, but this year, we could have a chance, and if we succeed we could win up to $250,000! yes that's right quarter of a million!

We are filming this Friday, it's Wednesday now, and we have til March 21,2010 to have it entered so we still have lots of time to create a spectacular video.

Also if we win, not only do we win a big chunk of change, but our video will be used as a commercial and the flavour we chose will be sold on the market!

So EP fans, root for the best, hope we win and we'll be forever grateful!!
