Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Music Video and More to Come!?

A Music Video Marathon?

Ill start off this blog post by reminding you that I have been making music videos casually now since the very beginning of 2011. Two years ago "EP Studios" was dreamed up and in that time I have created 3 official music videos. Not that big of a deal you say? You're correct. It really isn't that big of a whoop...but I'll tell you what might be...

Mid-September 2013 I received a phone call from a representative of the Atlantic Film Festival inviting me to participate in a music video production contest. Unfortunately, I was selected as a runner up contestant and because of only having a week's notice, I was forced to decline do to a business trip. This, needless to say was a great honour and disappointment all rolled into one! 

A few weeks later, unrelated, a man named Jason Lane called me regarding the creation of a music video for his son, Zackary Lane. Zackary is a talented young musician and could potentially be on a rise to some degree of exposure and success. This excites me because Jason has asked me if I will be able to produce approximately one music video per month of the year of 2014. How can I decline?

This period of my life represents what could be a potential launching point of my success as a freelance music video producer. Stay tuned...

"Say Something"- Music Video

As mentioned above, I was recently asked to make a music video for a young local artist named Zackary Lane. Below you can see the first music video that I have produced with him! 

I hope you enjoy this video. Here's a fun fact. The concept for the video came to me pretty much on the spot when Jason asked me what I had in mind. The idea came from personal experiences that I have had in my life.

That's it for now!

Richard Malenfant

"The Answer is 42!"

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hindsight is 20/20

Emerald Express In Review

Yes...ish. Emerald Express, the short film that was written and filmed last summer is now up on youtube for everyone to see! If you haven't watched it yet I suggest you do so now (see link at bottom of post). From this point forward I will be talking about what my thoughts are about the short film and how it turned out. So aka, SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!

Emerald Express (link)

Ok! From this point forward I will assume that anyone reading this has watched Emerald Express and has noticed a few things about it that are questionable.

As the main force behind completing the project and having been responsible for so much of it's production I will refer to myself as the "Project Leader". I wrote the script, came up with the plot behind it, invented characters, came up with locations, planned camera angles, filmed everything, and more. Other people were involved of course, I have have to give credit to everyone who helped organize volunteers, do makeup, help with the scene planning, etc.

But generally speaking, Emerald Express was my baby and as my first time pulling off a filmmaking project of this scale, I learned a lot! Ultimately, I am not 100% satisfied with the short film. If it isn't obvious to you by watching it, I'll let you know that a lot was left out. A good example of this is that all of the audio is missing! Like WTF man?? NO AUDIO WTF!!!??? How R we supposed to follow da plot????

I know! And it was a hard choice to make...but the fact was that a lot of the dialogue in the script was never really meant to mean much and when we started to film, it was all we had. In fact, originally, the "script" was just a few hand written pages describing the scenes where Shale is running from the zombies and has to eventually turn and fight them. But then the questions started flooding in...who was this guy? Where was he coming from? How did he get here? And the biggest question of all; Where did the zombies come from???

What had started in my head as a cool 3 min zombie video quickly spiralled out into a world of made up characters and fake backstories and events. It had to be deeper! It had to make sense and impress people! After doing a bit of research I managed to find something that could link Moncton to the rest of the world in a unique way. I wanted the story to take place in Moncton for a real reason that people could actually look up themselves if they wanted to! And I found it! The Emerald Express undersea intercontinental communication cable. It wasn't perfect, but it was a tether that could put Moncton on the map in a fictional setting. The idea was relatively simple. This communication cable, scheduled to be built in RL (Real Life), could be the keystone to my zombie movie's plot!

Moncton act's as a first point of contact for this cable and therefore in a global perspective is an important target for any military force with the intension of attacking North America. The zombies themselves came next. I wanted the zombies to be a new kind of weapon. The idea is that in a future war, a zombie-bioweapon exists and is dropped into cities that represent some significant strategic value. Moncton, being the landing for one of the worlds most advanced communication cables definitely made the short-list.

Ok, so now I had an interesting backstory and a plausible explanation for all of this shit going down in the near future. Now I needed a plot to carry my "Running Man" (As "Shale" was originally referred) through the story and ultimately to the climax of him kicking some zombie ass! There needed to be a reason for his heroics. The supporting characters of the two un-named soldiers were then invented. Originally the soldiers were actually a group of civilians that are stranded with Shale. It was written that he would attempt to save their lives by drawing off a large group of zombies away from them. This idea was tossed for a new idea that perhaps the character of Shale would be the only survivor of the attack, and represent the only person who was naturally immune to the virus. The two soldiers were added to give Shale someone to save. This is where things got messy. Who were these "soldiers"? Where did they come from? What are they doing there? And even though they were originally written as "good guys", in the end it only made sense that they were in fact soldiers of the enemy. This would explain why we knew so little about them while they seemed to be so prepared. The soldiers were written with the mission of "reconnecting" the Emerald Express and Shale would agree to help them to do so if it meant a free ride out of the city. Unfortunately, the scenes had been filmed and it was too late to try and go back and change the characters I said screw it and took out all the dialogue! WAhahaha

Lesson: When making a movie...make sure it works on paper BEFORE you start filming!!!

In the future we may release a version of the film either with dialogue or subtitles as well as fix a continuity error at the end of the short film involving the magical re-appearance of a certain back-pack...

Anyway, if you liked the short film and were wondering why it turned out how it did, I hope this answered some of your questions. If you want to ask me about it feel free.



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Upcoming Effed Productions Originals, Emerald Express Final Cut and FILM FESTIVALS?!

Good Evening, Everyone!

I have a few things to cover on the Agenda (Yes I know, it has been a while, sorry!)

Off Topic!
Richard, and I has set a new goal as to go to the gym frequently, and more and more each day we seem to see results and become stronger than we have ever been! #toughasnails
What we usually do first is go for a run, and let me tell you, we have been running for longer durations almost every time we do so, and the feeling feels awesome to just go to the gym, work yourself to the limit and then feel good about it!

...Ok moving on to the more important topics at hand.

Effed Productions Originals
We have some new EP originals that I would like to discuss, one being "Chez Busters", I'm not sure if I wrote a previous blog about it, or Richard or what, but I'm not sure when this short is going to be thrown down, may have to add more dialogue or maybe change a few things to get the project up-and running!

Another is my Working Title, "Cookies of Misfortune".
Funny story on how this came to be. Well me seeing as how I am still working at a Grocery Store and still trying to acquire a job in my field of study...well we had a demo lady come in and demonstrate some new Chinese Food products and had some fortune cookies for everyone to take, and most of them did not even sound like a fortune, this was mine "You have an excellent source of Honor" like wtf. A co-worker of mine and I were thinking, well what if these cookies had bad fortunes, and I said to him, that would be awesome for a video idea, so I gave a shout to Richard and we ventured to the nearest Tim Hortons (With our Effed Productions Script Books of course) and began throwing down ideas in what I think would be a hilarious video for all audiences! More news to come on that!

Emerald Express
Richard has been dedicating his 'Life' to this short video, and I will give him full 100% credit for the creation of this. I loved acting in it, (minus the hours of BS lol!), and I'm sure Mike, Jordan...and the zombie crew loved acting in it as well! and earlier today, Richard had shown me the almost completed project, which is looking excellent, also the final project of Emerald Express should be up on YouTube by sometime next month, so excited! AND to make things awesome Richard also is going to be submitting this Effed Productions Short Film in 2 festivals, one being in Halifax, NS and another in New York, USA! How cool is that?! Which means We're going to have to grab Mike and Jordan, suit up and look like Sharp Dressed Men if we want to impress at these Festivals. The one in Halifax is in September this year, and the festival in New York...I am not too sure, I'll have to check with Richard again but details to come! I have edited our Effed Productions YouTube Channel so our feature video is our Emerald Express trailer, and shared it on Facebook on my personal channel, and the EP channel. My goal is to get support from all our friends, fans and family so we can set the ball in motion!

I think that pretty much covers all that I would like to share (I'm sure there is more) and we will definitely not be going anywhere! Stay tuned and we will keep you all updated on the finalization of Emerald Express, and when exactly these festivals are taking place, I will see you all on the flip side!
