Monday, October 19, 2009

The Sound Of Music

Yes, the hills are alive! As Oktobre comes to its chilling end the excitement of Aussi-floyd and Megadeth grows greater. But it isn't just local concerts that are stirring the pot for EP members these days.

Recording artist Mike Glendinning and EP are joining forces to create a great short film/ music video called "Don't Panic". The film had always been thought of as a kind of short film with music to help add emotion to the story to sort of compensate for a lack of good acting or a real script. Currently in process is the development of the OST (Original Sound Track) that will be played in Don't Panic. So for Mike and I have only begun to play the track out but so far things look promising!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Farewell to a Fellow EPonian, and Other Stuff.

So, for as of all you EP fans don't know, one of our members has now departed and headed for college in Toronto a few weeks ago to pursue his dream to become a Youth Pastor, Micheal Mularz. He, in our opinion would have to be the best public relations "Go-To" guy that EP has ever had (possibly THE best one we will have), or until we find someone even greater than he was. We will miss you Mike. :'(

EP, lately has been doing a recent video known as "Don't Panic!". It, I will have to say will be one of our better ones up to date, but, it still needs a few tweeks, and scenes, which we never got around to doing, as Rich and I have school and/or work, but it will be up before you know it! So stay tuned in!

We also have a tribute video to Mike now posted via Youtube channel, so if you were a fan of Mike, go check it out and write a farewell post or leave one on our Channel chat! Much Appreciated. ^^

In other news, Richard has recently now, not too long ago, made up EP T's, you can check that out on our Facebook Fan Page!
$10 for a Small or Medium
$15 for a Large or X-Large
Check out our pictures on there, and contact either Richard or Shaun if you want to purchase a T-Shirt, just PM one of us on Facebook, or contact us right thru the Facebook Page.

Also, I have been thinking of maybe producing some other EP Merch; Richard does not know yet, but I will inform him if it is a good idea or not. So keep in touch if you want some merch!

Lastly, This has nothing to do with EP whatsoever, but WERE GOING TO THE CANADIAN CARNAGE! Megadeth, Slayer, Machine Head, and Suicide Silence! We got floor tickets too!
If you're a metalhead and you like EP, make sure to keep an eye out for us! I (Shaun) will most likely be in the moshpit or chugging down some liquor! Not sure about Richard though. But, if you see us, say hi!

And I believe that is all for the rant today. You Stay Classy EP Fans!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sorry...I'm Effed!

Just a quick update today. Last week before leaving for a week long trip to New York I threw together the strangest most controversial video that has come out of Shaun's mouth...I mean, youtube.

I also re-formated Abusive Relationships (the first one) so that it fits the 16:9 video screen on youtube.

You can check out both here, or on youtube.

Abusive Relationships (16:9)

Just That Effed


Monday, July 20, 2009

AR2 Production Update

Film-making Hell
After finally finding a few days to get the filming of AR2 started we were suddenly troubled with the discovery that both of our potential camera operators were not going to be available for the weekend. Doug Stewart, because of bad work hours and Fred Melanson because of an injured foot.

Therefore the planned film session was put at risk once again. In order to solve the problem temporarily a fill-in camera man was found to temporarily work on the project. This person was of course Rob Balser, a film enthusiast attending BMHS.

With our new found camera man and everything else ready, we were ready to film. Unfortunately, the shit was about to hit the fan as the next few days wore on we found ourselves struggling to make progress with the cluttered film location and frequent interruptions from NBCC staff and maintenance workers.

At the end of the two days the footage was dumped and cut together on imovie to reveal some trivial issues involving lighting and choreography. It was also discovered that many of our best shots had unintentionally been taped over during rushed filming and that only the second best shots were available in some cases.

On top of that, the time remaining to finish the filming is growing less and less and the film locations being used are changing in appearance or being demolished!

Our only options at this point are to either call the entire project a write off and cancel it all together, or somehow film early in the mornings before work begins while a camera man is available.

Sorry for the bad news,


Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't_Panic and AR2


Pre-production steps have begun to take place for the upcoming short film called "Don't_Panic!" The short film is planned on being filmed sometime around August and will likely be the most official short film created by Effed Productions to date. What makes Don't_Panic! so special is the planned original soundtrack for the film as well as the theory behind its creation.

About the Film

Don't_Panic! is a short film that was originally written as a concept for a story told through the use of subliminal messages and symbolic images. The entire script was created over MSN between Shaun Fleming and myself in just under an hour and represents the most original production work that we have created so far. More details on the plot may be released in the future.

The idea for creating an original soundtrack for the film was inspired after Effed Productions was approached by a talented musical producer named Mike Glendinning based in California. Mike praised us for our work on AR1 and became a fan of Effed Productions.


As production is slowed even further by NBCC's unorganized maintenance schedule, the entire film team is working full time day jobs with impossibly unfortunate hours.

However, despite the complexities we are still trying to find ways to stay on top of the project.

It is possible that we may all have to take a week off work in order to complete the filming without distractions.

Take care,


Monday, June 1, 2009

AR2-pre-production update

It is now June 01, 2009 and that means we have just a month and a half left to completely film our planned lightsaber fight movie AR2. As the date to start filming creeps closer and closer with every day the more progress towards its preparation there is. 

Challenges in film.

Over the past few months Effed Productions has slowed its production of films and script ideas as well as a general drive for filmmaking. This unhealthy issue involving motivation, creative drive and will power is a serious one that will have to be address and resolved if we are to successfully achieve our filmmaking goals. Thinking back to the early days of Effed Productions, with the partnership formed between Shaun and myself, I get a familiar feeling of an overwhelming task at hand that I must now begin to take steps toward completing. 
The list of things that need to be done before filming can begin is long. I am however, confident that with the familiar excitement of filming AR1, we will all be compelled to make AR2 as much as a success for ourselves if not for any fans of our work. We are after all only doing this because we want to.

Lightsaber test.

It had been over a year since my last strenuous encounter with the notorious Adobe After Effects lightsaber creation. I had become lost in the complex terminology of its editing tools and I had to re-teach myself how to create the most important part of what makes a lightsaber fight, a damn good lightsaber fight...the special effects! 

You can watch this years lightsaber test video as well as the old AR1 test below: 

AR2- June 01, 2009

AR1- March 07, 2008

Thats all for now,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EP's Fast Approaching B-Day?

Good afternoon, everyone!
As you all know, the date to start filming/releasing of AR2 is still not confirmed yet, but we will ensure that you EP fans will be posted on further information; so keep in touch with us!

- Filming will be commencing soon, since we want to make a short film to tie everyone in til the arrival of AR2 when it hits Youtube. Of course, followed by a few other skits/comedic pieces to get people laughing.

-We actually had a thought of making up a music video and a song to go with it, not sure if the idea is scrapped, but keep in touch, and I'll let you know about the info. Along with "Cooking with Metal", Bronwen (Richard's girlfriend) wants us to do a remake of the video we did last year. It had no script, badly done, but it was overall a lot of fun. But that idea is scrapped so no use crying over spilled milk.

-If you are not already a member of our Facebook page, check us out here

-In case you are not aware of this, but EP's 1 Year Anniversary/Birthday is arriving fast! May14th to be exact, so stay tuned for a fun-filled EP 1 Year birthday video!

-I will speak with the others (Mike and Richard) to see if we can be able to get t-shirts made up and wear them on EP's 1 Year, that should be exciting! and a cake as well, although noone wants to watch a video of us eating cake right? So how about we throw in a bit of spice to it, and make it thrilling to watch? EVERYBODY LOVES HALARIOUS VIDEO'S!

That concludes today's rant, so I hope you keep in touch with us in the future!

ps: Shaun's 20th birthday is 4 days after EP's 1 year! Give him some Birthday love :)

Love always,

Friday, April 3, 2009

No Supper Tonight Folks

Well, it looks like our video didn't make it to the top 5 in the Dorito's Contest. It was actually decent we found. nice ring to it, and the Slogan/Video went well too; but still no chance to win $25,000 for well, maybe another contest, like C103 (for all you NB fans out there) where we currently can enter at a crack to win $1000, still not as much as 25k, but its something isn't it?

On another note, it has been quite some time since EP has updated our official EP Blog, so I thought that I would spruce it up a bit with another blog note, or whatever you call them.

Just a reminder, our BIGGEST project is yet to come, AR2(Abusive Relationships II) , which will be filmed during the summer season of 2009. Our other (now referred as) "side projects" will be completed once we finish AR2 and still have enough time before the college season kicks back into high gear.

So in case you didn't know, the ones that will be pushed back are :

-Don't Panic!
-High Stakes.

We will most likely have small projects that won't take that long to complete, but these are the big ticket projects along with AR2, (which will most likely be the only big one we'll complete).

So, for all you EP fans, keep in touch, stay in school, respect your elders...and babies xD.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dorito's Contest

After Mike's cunning idea; we at Effed Productions have confirmed that we are going to enter the Dorito's Contest to have a shot to win $25,000

First off, to clear things out, yes it was Mike's idea for us to make a Dorito's commercial, but it was Richard who entered us into the contest, so they both get the credit, while I (Shaun) am still trying to think of a name for a new Dorito's flavour that will grab attention to potential buyers.

Now, all we have to do, is buy one of Dorito's mystery bags with the ? on it, and decide what kind of flavour will bring the audience's attention, and if our commercial is well done. We then post it on and wait for viewers to check out what we have in store for them!

Let's just hope that Moncton's own Effed Productions comes home with an extra $25,000 in their bank accounts!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

RFN-Running from Narnians

On February 21 Narnia adventure two was released on youtube and so far it has received some positive feedback. If you were paying close attention to this new video you might have noticed a few things about it. For example, I am totally rocking 'teh chez', there was a Nazi cyborg, and also that it was probably the most effed video we have made to date. Apart from these things, some of which I might touch on later, you may also have noticed a significant amount of visual editing and film stylization through color correction. If that sentence was to confusing, you may have noticed that while editing I made everything look like as if the person who films CSI was doing it.

Don't agree? Ok, so maybe this was my first time and there were a few shots that didn't turn out so good...I'm not saying it was perfect. Anyway, the reason I'm pointing this out is because the films being made this summer will very likely rely heavily on this type of visual editing for full emotional impact. Hint, hint...

Ok, so how about that Nazi thing?
Well, first of all, the idea of a Nazi Robot was inspired by the a video called "Running from Nazis" and was originally meant as a kind of "Homage" to the work. Appearing as a kind of cameo guest is Keith Alward, who plays the human Nazi that comically runs away toward the ending. Keith was a key person in the production of the original Running From Nazis videos, so we felt that if we were going to write a Nazi Robot into out script it was only appropriate that we add Kieth as a support character. 

If you haven't yet seen Narnia Adventure 2 you can watch it here.

Also if you would like to see the GoblinSuit Production "Running From Nazis" here it is.

As you can see, it was well worth the effort to have a Nazi Robot appear in our video. You can expect our next release sometime after March break.

Richard Malenfant

Sunday, February 8, 2009

IWK Donation

While walking around the Champlain Mall this weekend Shaun, Mike and Myself stumbled upon the IWK Donation Booth set up by C103.1 (Moncton's Classic Rock) Radio Station. Mike was the first to be pulled in by the opportunity to help small unfortunate children to better their lives and Shaun and I were pulled in to donate as well. In total, between the three of us we donated an impressive $58.00! The donation acceptors were very pleased by our cumulative donation and seemed almost overjoyed by our generous contribution. 

It was at this moment of inspiration that I decided that helping to support charitable causes such as this should become an annual goal for the Effed Team. I hope that next year we will be able to finds ways to double our contribution to the community. 

As a non-profit organization Effed Productions has already generated a small amount of income that was put towards lighting equipment. Hopefully, as we become more talented in our film making, we will be able to raise more money.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

More EP Videos? I Think So!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
We at Effed Productions proudly annouce that we'll surely have more videos for your enjoyment within the next few months!

For the most part, we'll begin shooting some of our "Effed" videos within the next couple of weeks, and you will see them via our Effed Productions Youtube Channel before spring, that we guarantee.

Our most serious stuff, you will begin to notice on the internet before winter since we have yet to finish all of the scripts. We plan to make them longer then each of our previous videos we have on our channel, and they will be more enjoyable than each of our others, thats a promise!

The effed ones are obviously silly, or don't even make sense, but I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of them.

Till then Ciao
Love, Shaun

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Without A Box

So just recently, Richard was told by Fredric Melanson about this site which is filled with Professional/Amateur Filmmakers called .
So from now on, we'll be putting all our new stuff on there, and Youtube as well.
All of our serious stuff will be there for sure, which entitles us to be put onto IMDB and in film festivals if it is good material. Our "effed" videos will only be on YouTube and not on Without a Box since we want to look like professionals in case we rank in on our audiences, and maybe have more fans of our work.
For all of our fans, we'll have some new material up asap in the summer, and you'll see some "effed" ones eventually as mentioned in the previous posts.
Til than, have a good one

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Video P0dC4sTz

Last night at around 9 pm in a relatively quiet Tim Horton's Restaurant Mike, Shaun and I filmed our very first Effed Productions Video Podcast. After sitting down with a trio of hot-chocolates and waited for Mike to stop talking to his lovely 'gee eff'', Kayla, I turned on the camera and began filming.

You can see what inevitably ensued here.
Or you can scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Official Announcements:
1. High Stakes
2. AR2: Abusive Relationships 2 (working title)
3. Don't Panic

For those of you loyal readers out there who remember our debut release of AR1 at BMHS and have since then been thinking "whatever happened to the sequel they were making?". The truth is that a sequel was in fact written and filmed. However, due to unforeseen and unfortunate events, our film schedule was cut from 2 weeks to 2 days over night!

With this "change in plans" we were force to film the sequel without proper preparations and in the end, despite our best efforts, the 8 hours of actual film time was not enough to get the results demanded in the script.

The original script has since then been dismissed as a failure and the entire project is being started from scratch.

Lets just hope that Mike has what it takes to carry the torch!

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit of fun-facts from the past because I have run out of things that I am comfortably able to say for today.

Expect more Podcasts to pop up later in the months with some hopefully exciting details about our summer production plans!

-Richard Malenfant

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Out to Lunch

Welcome! I suppose this is Effed Productions first official blog post. This blogspot will be mainly dedicated to updates on our film projects as well as a few other things regarding events and online discussions.

For the people reading this wondering who "we" are, we are the Effed Team. And you can check us out on youtube here.

It is important to mention to you that we are not making any more films until the summer of 2009. Until then it is likely that a few "effed videos" might pop up, but our long term goals for the summer should result in the creation of several short films.

The Answer is 42!