Sunday, January 11, 2009

Video P0dC4sTz

Last night at around 9 pm in a relatively quiet Tim Horton's Restaurant Mike, Shaun and I filmed our very first Effed Productions Video Podcast. After sitting down with a trio of hot-chocolates and waited for Mike to stop talking to his lovely 'gee eff'', Kayla, I turned on the camera and began filming.

You can see what inevitably ensued here.
Or you can scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Official Announcements:
1. High Stakes
2. AR2: Abusive Relationships 2 (working title)
3. Don't Panic

For those of you loyal readers out there who remember our debut release of AR1 at BMHS and have since then been thinking "whatever happened to the sequel they were making?". The truth is that a sequel was in fact written and filmed. However, due to unforeseen and unfortunate events, our film schedule was cut from 2 weeks to 2 days over night!

With this "change in plans" we were force to film the sequel without proper preparations and in the end, despite our best efforts, the 8 hours of actual film time was not enough to get the results demanded in the script.

The original script has since then been dismissed as a failure and the entire project is being started from scratch.

Lets just hope that Mike has what it takes to carry the torch!

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit of fun-facts from the past because I have run out of things that I am comfortably able to say for today.

Expect more Podcasts to pop up later in the months with some hopefully exciting details about our summer production plans!

-Richard Malenfant

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