Sunday, February 22, 2009

RFN-Running from Narnians

On February 21 Narnia adventure two was released on youtube and so far it has received some positive feedback. If you were paying close attention to this new video you might have noticed a few things about it. For example, I am totally rocking 'teh chez', there was a Nazi cyborg, and also that it was probably the most effed video we have made to date. Apart from these things, some of which I might touch on later, you may also have noticed a significant amount of visual editing and film stylization through color correction. If that sentence was to confusing, you may have noticed that while editing I made everything look like as if the person who films CSI was doing it.

Don't agree? Ok, so maybe this was my first time and there were a few shots that didn't turn out so good...I'm not saying it was perfect. Anyway, the reason I'm pointing this out is because the films being made this summer will very likely rely heavily on this type of visual editing for full emotional impact. Hint, hint...

Ok, so how about that Nazi thing?
Well, first of all, the idea of a Nazi Robot was inspired by the a video called "Running from Nazis" and was originally meant as a kind of "Homage" to the work. Appearing as a kind of cameo guest is Keith Alward, who plays the human Nazi that comically runs away toward the ending. Keith was a key person in the production of the original Running From Nazis videos, so we felt that if we were going to write a Nazi Robot into out script it was only appropriate that we add Kieth as a support character. 

If you haven't yet seen Narnia Adventure 2 you can watch it here.

Also if you would like to see the GoblinSuit Production "Running From Nazis" here it is.

As you can see, it was well worth the effort to have a Nazi Robot appear in our video. You can expect our next release sometime after March break.

Richard Malenfant

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