Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EP's Fast Approaching B-Day?

Good afternoon, everyone!
As you all know, the date to start filming/releasing of AR2 is still not confirmed yet, but we will ensure that you EP fans will be posted on further information; so keep in touch with us!

- Filming will be commencing soon, since we want to make a short film to tie everyone in til the arrival of AR2 when it hits Youtube. Of course, followed by a few other skits/comedic pieces to get people laughing.

-We actually had a thought of making up a music video and a song to go with it, not sure if the idea is scrapped, but keep in touch, and I'll let you know about the info. Along with "Cooking with Metal", Bronwen (Richard's girlfriend) wants us to do a remake of the video we did last year. It had no script, badly done, but it was overall a lot of fun. But that idea is scrapped so no use crying over spilled milk.

-If you are not already a member of our Facebook page, check us out here http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18901725876

-In case you are not aware of this, but EP's 1 Year Anniversary/Birthday is arriving fast! May14th to be exact, so stay tuned for a fun-filled EP 1 Year birthday video!

-I will speak with the others (Mike and Richard) to see if we can be able to get t-shirts made up and wear them on EP's 1 Year, that should be exciting! and a cake as well, although noone wants to watch a video of us eating cake right? So how about we throw in a bit of spice to it, and make it thrilling to watch? EVERYBODY LOVES HALARIOUS VIDEO'S!

That concludes today's rant, so I hope you keep in touch with us in the future!

ps: Shaun's 20th birthday is 4 days after EP's 1 year! Give him some Birthday love :)

Love always,

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