Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Entering a New Decade

Happy New Year!

We have a strange new responsibility upon us to remember not to put 2009 on the page anymore because it is now 2010! You must also ask yourself...will you be saying "two thousand-ten" or "twenty-ten"? Personally, I think twenty ten has a nice futuristic ring to it.

If anyone remembers, last year Effed Productions made a monetary donation to the IWK with the goal of doubling the size of that donation this year. However, with insufficient t-shirt sales, very little filming activity, and no profit to show for the year. A large donation is unlikely. Maybe next year.

Film Projects

This year was our least productive one (of two) in the history of EP. Of every project that was planned for production over the summer, none were completed. Largely, this is because of other more important commitments...jobs, school, girls, you know...Anyway, we saw this coming, and were not too surprised. If all goes as planned, EP should be more on the ball by next fall.

Project status:
Don't Panic- posponed
AR2- cancelled
High Stakes- Un-started

Recent Uploads

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